Flying High: Making a Living Blogging about Model Airplanes

Primary Audience: Publisher/User | Level: Intermediate/Advanced | About Carlos»

Starting and running a successful business always involves a lot of hard work. Creating and running a commercial website is no different.

I have been running my own website full-time for five years now. I do not claim to have all the answers. Nobody does! I do claim to have had some success with my business. There have been a lot of hard lessons along the way, and I would like to share some of them.

The focus of the talk will be on the non-technical and technical aspects of running an online business. I plan to provide lots of tips and pointers to additional resources.

WordPress and technology in general are key parts of any online strategy. I will be giving a high level overview of the technical components of my website. The focus will be on what makes me unique and on explaining why I made the decisions that I have made.