Speaker Spotlight – Karin Pitman

What is the name of your company and can you tell us something about yourself?
Karin Pitman, Artist for now, though am in the process of starting a company called Designabilities LLC (may be official by the time of Word Camp), offering various types of creative services including logo design, landscape and architectural design, but also more specialized things like mural design/painting, small house remodeling design (outdoor fireplaces, indoor bookcases). I want it to be broader than just an architectural firm.

Can you tell us why you love WordPress?
Though I’m pretty new to WordPress and don’t have much experience with anything else, it seems very user-friendly and seems to have many built-in benefits.

What is your topic for WordCamp?
Making websites for artists of various types.

What do you hope attendees learn from your session?
The many tools available to help artists create unique, dynamic, and artistic websites.

How do you use WP in your business?
I am just starting to use it to make my art more accessible to people I already know (who have been asking me for years if I have a website), and also to find more ways to market my art to people I don’t know yet. Blogging is one way I hope to do this.

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