Speaker Tips

We appreciate your willingness to speak at WordCamp Albuquerque! We’d even go so far as to call you “awesome,” and we don’t use that word lightly. We’re here to support you, so please ask if you have any concerns or anticipated issues.


Rely on WordCamp Albuquerque to furnish large screens that accept YOUR ADAPTER. We may have some extra adapters, but please don’t count on us having the one you need, or if we do, that it’s not already in use.

IMPORTANT: Have your presentation on a thumb-drive. As a fail-safe, you can borrow a MacBook or PC that has the appropriate adapter.

Remember your power cord!


Nervous is normal. Try to remember you’re among fellow WordPress geeks, and we all think you’re pretty cool for doing a presentation. You might talk a little faster when nervous, so make allowances for that.

Leave 5-10 minutes for questions!

Allotted time for presentations is 50 minutes, including questions. Try to allow 10 minutes for questions within the 50-minute period (normally at the end). There will be a volunteer in the room to signal when you have 5 minutes remaining, and again when time is up. When your time is up, don’t make us drag you away. 😉

Practice your presentation before WordCamp, and time it. If you can arrange a small audience for feedback, so much the better.

Your presentation will be videotaped, so try not to turn your back on the camera while speaking. If you have to point to the screen, turn your face back to the camera and/or audience to speak.

Make your presentation available online, and give people in the audience the URL so they can download it later. It is suggested you NOT pass out paper versions of your presentation, unless there is a very compelling reason for doing so.

One Response to “Speaker Tips

  1. Very good tips, thank you!