Getting Traffic

How To Get More Than 25 People To Read Your Blog Posts

It’s frustrating, isn’t it? You agonize over your blog topic, spend hours upon hours tweaking your design to make your website look as cool and original as possible, and you pour your soul into your blog posts…and on a good day, you might see 25 pageviews. It’s the inconvenient truth that all aspiring bloggers must face – just because you write a great blog post, that doesn’t mean anybody is going to read it. You could pay for traffic through things like Facebook ads and Google Pay Per Click, but is that really a viable solution to increase your readership? If you’re like most bloggers, simply boosting your posts on Facebook probably isn’t the answer. In this session, we’ll talk about how your blog can help you build a large, loyal following of interested readers, and then what to do with those people once they get to your website.


WordCamp Albuquerque is over. Check out the next edition!