Alonso Indacochea

Alonso Indacochea

President and CEO of 11 Online, a local web development agency. Born in Lima, Peru and a proud East Coaster, Alonso taught English as a Second Language and spent time in the non-profit world before becoming a developer. He’s the rare Mets / Eagles fan (attributed to his prior residence in both Queens and Philly). Alonso is a lover of cinema, from Kurosawa to John Ford to even John Waters. Le gusta hablar en castellano y também em português. He is a graduate of Temple University and lives with his wife, Kathleen, his energetic daughter, Josephine, twin boys Francisco and Iñigo, a neurotic dog, Rafa, and the various rabbits, quail, road runners and spiders that roam his backyard.


WordCamp Albuquerque is over. Check out the next edition!