Jon Brown

Jon Brown

Jon Brown started his journey with WordPress more than 10 years ago with a simple travel blog on That first foray evolved into becoming a freelance WordPress developer and the beginnings of a location independent lifestyle. Jon is now the owner of 9seeds a distributed WordPress focused web development agency. At the start of Jon’s path with WordPress was the Orange County WordPress meetup group and WordCamp Orange County both of which were full welcoming guides into the world of WordPress. A few years later Jon moved to Maui, Hawaii where he started paying that generosity forward founding the Maui WordPress meetup group and 5 years later organizing the first ever WordCamp Maui. Now Jon is a back to digital nomad living, traveling the globe, attending WordCamps as far flung as Bangkok and Warsaw while running 9seeds from wherever he can find a hammock with decent wifi.


WordCamp Albuquerque is over. Check out the next edition!