Marketing Your Business in Times of Crisis

Brett Dunst

You own a small business. Your WordPress site is running like a Swiss watch and you’ve just started to get a handle on the whole online marketing thing. Things are looking great! People are *talking* about you. They’re saying really nice things!

If a crisis were to come along–either self-inflicted or completely out of your control, would you know how to react?

What would you do if CNN or Fox News wanted you on the air four hours from RIGHT NOW?

If you said “FREAK OUT,” you’re not alone. Many of us aren’t trained in even the basics of Public Relations, and still more of us don’t have teams dedicated to crisis communications, media relations, and reputation management.

In fact, for a lot of “us”, it’s more like “me”. “I”. Singular. The person that has to clean it up and figure it out.

The good news is that Marketing and PR are often two sides of the same coin and you shouldn’t need to reinvent the wheel!

In this session you’ll learn how to weather most any storm by building messaging that speaks to the heart of your issue and helps sway public opinion back in your favor. With careful attention and curation of your message–and a game plan to help guide you through it all– you’ll emerge from the crisis looking like a pro!

At the end of the session you’ll better understand how (and why) to:

  • Tell your story across cultures on an international stage.
  • Build marketing messaging that can easily be turned into media talking points.
  • Learn how to use bloggers, traditional press, and even cable news networks to tell your story.
  • Turn your team into a megaphone for your brand’s talking points during times of intense public scrutiny.
