The Game of SEO

Pam Aungst

How to Win
at Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, commonly referred to as “SEO,” is an incredibly complex digital marketing tactic. Search engines like Google use very complex algorithms that look at over 200 different ranking factors in order to decide how to rank a piece of content. That’s why I created The Game of SEO, which is an analogy that compares SEO to a game that uses a standard deck of playing cards.

The goal of this thought experiment is to give beginners a way of quickly developing the intuition that is needed to navigate the complex task of optimizing a site for search engines.

This talk will give an overview of the game analogy, including the four “suits” of the game (different types of SEO activities), examples of some of the “cards” you can play (specific SEO tactics), and how to develop your own unique game strategy to beat your competitors and rise to the top of the search engines. We’ll also talk about some “jokers” (SEO mistakes) to avoid that can set you back in the game.
